Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Before break I went to my internship. I started my final project, which is to create an encryption program that can encrypt and decrypt messages in different encryption methods. First I created a Caesar Cipher and added different options, encrypt and decrypt. I then created a Substitution Cipher and added the encrypt and  decrypt options. An important thing I had to remember to do was to make the different encryption methods and encrypt and decrypt mutually exclusive, meaning that you can not do both at the same time. My next step is to add a Polyalphabetic Cipher.

Example of the code I used in my program.

In the program above the program takes what ever is in the output.txt file and encrypts it. It then places that encrypted message in the input.txt file. The message in input is then decrypted and printed to the screen.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update, Lauren.

    I am excited that you have started a final project. It seems like an interesting one!

    I appreciate the next steps. I eagerly await the next installment!
